DIA Flower

اخلاص القلب وسط


Heartfelt Eternity: Medium Heart-shaped Long-lasting Roses Box

  • Dimensions: 25cm x 25cm x 15cm
  • Weight: 2 kg
  • Lifespan: Up to 5 years with 3-year warranty
  • Acrylic top, heart-shaped roses


معلومات إضافية

الوزن غير محدد
الأبعاد غير محدد
Infinity Color

أحمر داكن, أحمر, وردي, وردي فاتح, برتقالي, أصفر, بيجي, أزرق ملكي, أزرق سماوي, أرجواني, أرجواني فاتح, أخضر, أسود, رمادي.

Medium Size Heart-shaped Roses Box

Forever Heart Box: Medium Heart-shaped Long-lasting Roses Box

This Medium box features heart-shaped long-lasting roses elegantly displayed under an acrylic top. The larger size creates a striking centerpiece, ideal for special occasions or as a thoughtful gift. Each arrangement is designed to last up to 5 years and includes a 3-year warranty for lasting enjoyment.

  • Size: كبير
  • Weight: 3 kg
  • Dimensions: 30cm x 30cm x 20cm (length x width x height)

Care Instructions:


  • احتفظ بها في درجة حرارة الغرفة.
  • Clean gently with a soft cloth if dust accumulates.


  • Do not water the roses.
  • Protect from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.
  • Handle carefully to preserve the delicate arrangement.

Note: Your large heart-shaped roses box will retain its beauty effortlessly for up to 5 years with minimal maintenance.


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