White Elegance

AED 232AED 392


The “White Elegance” bouquet boasts a serene blend of hydrangeas, eustomas, Ohara roses, calla lilies, Matthiolas, and eucalyptus. This harmonious arrangement is a symphony of purity and sophistication, with each white bloom contributing to a timeless and refined aesthetic, while the eucalyptus adds a touch of freshness and texture.

SKU: LOVGIA-1-3-1-2-1 Categories: , ,
Original price was: AED 531.Current price is: AED 392.
Original price was: AED 75.Current price is: AED 53.
Original price was: AED 85.Current price is: AED 60.
Original price was: AED 691.Current price is: AED 505.
For 3 items

Steps to make your Dia Flowers last longer and fresher :

  • Unwrap and recut the stems as soon as you can. Place the stems straight into a bucket of clean, tepid water (NOT COLD WATER) as soon as possible after cutting.
  • Make sure the vase is clean.
  • Place in a cool place away from heat but the Roses prefer warm water.
  • Feed them flower food or sugar every 2 days.
  • Change the water regularly.

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